This gonna be a very short entry for tonite..time check 2028Hr. Location: In lab(again..huuu)..
Anyway, I was on a visit to one of the churches in kuantan to invite the representatives to our interfaith dialogue this coming feb..
The thing that I want to highlight here is that the attitude showed by the breverant there was superb..tiptop..1st class service which is supposed to be in our "possession" as a muslim.
I was like his old-good-pal..All those long-time-no-see stuffs were so amazing and warmed..
That explains why people keep getting into christianity eh..its not because the teaching of the so-called holy bible but the warm attitude showed by our christian bros..
ok la..I think this long enough to be called "short entry"..huuu..
For closing..Book of Mark, chap 15, verse 34
"Elloi..Elloi..Lammasabakthani..(Oh God..Oh God..Why have You forsaken me?)"
Why on earth Jesus was crying when he was being crossed if he was really coming to clean up all the sins of his believers?
Something to be pondered..Peace