Saturday, May 17, 2008

2nd move..not very successful la..huhuu

Last thursday I didnt get the chances to do dakwah to Lau. Thursday is halfday work and there were so many samples arrived on that day. I just couldnt find the right time to learn about buddhism from Lau.Maybe tomorrow I will get the chance..hopefully.

But I noticed 1 thing that made me wanted to convey the message even more when she responded to the conversation amongst the staffs regarding the topic of using the Law from the Quran to be implemented in nowadays life.

But then as I said, I couldnt get the chances to discuss with her about the true ISLAM.huhuu busy yg amat..But then she showed some interests about ISLAM even though she seemed not so agreed in implementing Islamic Law in nowadays life as she mentioned that it might only suitable for the time of org dulu2..I was not sure whether she was refering to the time of Prophethood or what..

Anyway, just wait n see what will happen tomorow. Hope for the best and dont forget to pray for her..May peace, mercy and blessing of ALLAH be upon all of us including her..



As said...

very nice, inshaAllah in a hectic life we still be given the chance. Pray to Him.

Those yang da ade interest lagi mudah nak dekati :)

Gudluck pamie!

Anonymous said...

InsyaALLAH May ALLAH showers her and all of us with HIS blessing and mercy..hrp2 terbuka la hati dier..Kita just sampaikan risalah..